Roundhead lespedeza 是本地人, warm-season 常年 legume adapted to all but northern tier states of the tall prairie region of the central and eastern United States. Roundhead lespedeza is a very desirable component of warm-season grass plantings. It is readily grazed by all classes of livestock and is an important food source for upland game birds. Although found in lowland prairie sites, it tends to be more common in upland sites. The attractive silvery-sheen green foliage makes it an attractive plant for the garden. Roundhead lespedeza does not spread aggressively by rhizomes and is not a prolific seed producer.
- 区域种植区
- 5 .中西部, 6 .东北湖泊, 南五大湖, 8 -阿帕拉西亚, 9 -东南, 10 .南佛罗里达, 11 -南德克萨斯
- 美元A Plant 硬iness 区s
- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- 温度带
- 温暖,凉爽,过渡
- 高度
- 24" - 60"
- 开花时间
- 晚
- 花的颜色
- 白色
- 叶子的颜色
- 绿色
- 生长周期
- 常年
- 太阳的要求
- 充足的阳光
- 种植季节
- 秋季-春季
- 植物的深度
- .25" - .5"
- Minimum Soil Temp for Germination
- 65° F
- 建立
- 硬
- 每磅种子数
- 125,000
- 王国
- 植物界
- 门
- Tracheobionta
- 超级部门
- Spermatophyta
- 部门
- 被子植物门
- Class
- Magnoliopsida
- 子类
- 菊亚纲
- 订单
- 菊目
- 家庭
- 菊科
- 属
- 胡枝子属
- 物种
- 胡枝子属性
覆盖范围 & 可用的大小
Attractive in mass plantings as well as in species mixes
When combined with grasses, forbs, and legumes.
*Special considerations for spring germination: seed germination can be improved with mechanical scarification. Seed needs to be inoculated with Rhizobium for nitrogen fixation to occur. Germination of scarified seed generally occurs within 2 weeks after planting provided adequate soil moisture and temperature conditions are met.